Many factors can affect the beauty of your skin and Ayurveda strictly has its magical approach to deal with stress, diet and lifestyle that adversely affect skin health.
Through this blog, let’s go into detail about the Ayurvedic treatment for skin diseases and efficient care.
Ayurvedic skin care treatments are based purely on the skin types of the patient. The three doshas in the human body define the person’s skin type and the same lies as the basis in the Ayurvedic treatments too. These doshas make up the constitution of the body and mind and they are the bioenergetic or life forces. The so-called basic doshas are vata, pitta and kapha.
What is the root cause of skin diseases Ayurveda?
Most of the time, the wrong lifestyle and diet are the two main causes of skin diseases. Ayurveda says that bringing a motto of correction to both of these can make a huge difference and cure skin diseases. Moreover, either of these happens due to the habits that come knowingly or unknowingly from the individuals.
Skin diseases in the human body are mainly due to the contamination of the body tissues which is caused by the imbalance in the bodily energies and following a diet against the season or the Prakriti (nature) of a person. Even though the imbalance in all three doshas is involved in the cause of skin diseases, the prime dosha involved is pitta.
Another major cause of skin diseases is excess sugar, as it is a powerful component that affects the cells and is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.
Ayurvedic Skin Care: Types of Skin Diseases in Ayurveda
An understanding of the different types of skin diseases is important before falling for Ayurvedic skin care treatment. Kshudrakustha and Mahakustha are the two main categories of Ayurvedic skin diseases. The former is the major skin disease and the latter is the minor skin disease. The major one has eleven and the minor has five subcategories. It’s important to note that the severity of the condition is based on the individual’s dosha constitution and so is the Ayurvedic skincare treatment as well. When it comes to treatment practices, panchakarma therapies, lifestyle changes, dietary modifications and herbal remedies are the best in Ayurveda.
Other common skin diseases include:
- Acne: It is a common condition, in the form of cysts, whiteheads, pimples or scars on the skin.
- Hives: This is a skin allergy or itching condition with red bumps on the skin surface.
- Rosacea: This condition makes the skin dry up and can cause redness on the face.
- Eczema: It is a skin condition causing flaking of the skin.
- Psoriasis: This disease commonly leads to scaly knees and silvery skin patches on elbows and scalp.
- Contact dermatitis: This occurs due to direct contact with chemicals and the blisters can ooze fluid or become crusty.
Why Choose Ayurcare as the Best Ayurvedic Skin Care Treatment Center in Dubai?
Ayurcare stands out for its team of esteemed practitioners and is renowned for its comprehensive approach to individuals struggling with skin diseases as the beacon of hope. Ayurcare stands out for:
- Years of expertise and experience
- A team of expert practitioners
- Holistic treatment Approach
- Individualised plans for each treatment
- A whole range of Ayurvedic remedies
- High rate of proven success
Which herb is used in skin disease?
The Ayurvedic medicine system uses herbs containing active ingredients derived from leaves, roots, flowers, and bark to treat different skin diseases. The very famous and effective Ayurvedic herbs include:
- Ashwagandha
- Brahmi
- Shatavari
- Licorice
- Neem
- Manjistha
- Amala
- Haritaki
Ayurvedic Skin Care Treatment: Panchakarma
Panchakarma consists of five actions or treatments and it removes the toxic content in the body that is in the body due to the disease or left by the disease. It is also a very sought-after rejuvenating program that restores the body’s innate balance to dispose of any kind of toxic accumulation that leads to severe skin disease conditions. Panchakarma therapy is observed to restore the balance of doshas in the body and the treatment practices differ based on the disturbance each disease tends to make in the body.
It involves five different types of detoxification, cleansing, reduction of weight, purification, healing and rejuvenation. Panchakarma treatment practices like Samana therapies pacify the imbalanced doshas with the intakes of Ayurvedic medicines and external applications of different medicated oils and tailams. The other categorisation is Sodhana and it is the preparatory phase of the panchakarma treatment in which the person is examined for the identification of the dosha involved. The important ones in the Sodhana are like nasyam, vasti, virechana, etc.
Making Ayurveda an integral part of your life can ultimately vanquish skin diseases. Ayurcare upholds a team of experts to pamper your skin with all-natural treatments and promote healthy skin.